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Spårvägsforum spring 2023

In the spring of 2023 it was time for Spårvägsforum to return to Stockholm. More precisely the Stockholm expo where we for the first time colocated with another new event - Train&Rail which was organized for the first time.

Spårvägsforum was held in the conference section of the expo center, and this year over 100 people attended the event.

The first half of the first day was themed with Spårväg Syd where representatives from both the Stockholm region as well as Huddinge municipality showed us what the future will bring and how it will affect the cities. After our networking lunch we boarded buses to see the areas where the new light rail will be in the future.

The late afternoon gave room for a presentation on vibration dampening, as well as a tour of the expo to meet the association's members, followed by a networking dinner.

The second day was more devoted to international experiences. Our first presenter came from the RNV in the Germany who is currently working on homologation of new vehicles. We were also acquainted with the new tram from Stadler and an international outlook from Palermo in Italy where a new tram system was recently opened.

Just before lunch we got the opportunity to delve into more research heavy topics, learning about the effect of urban development in some tram networks from IDOM, as well as different success factors in tramways from researchers at RWTH.

After another networking lunch, we learned more about the Bergen Bybane extensions, after which we took to the skies and learned how satellite imaging can help LRT construction. The conference finished up with presentation on land value capturing.


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